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Dowswing and realizations
  zulu_nation8, Aug 21 2010

I hit my first real downswing since starting poker, dropped 17 buyins over two days. All the descriptions people generally use fit perfectly. Godmode fishes, running into the top of people's ranges, losing every flip, etc. The more I play the more I lose. Yesterday after losing another stack AA vs set I finally realized no matter what I do, these spots will come up eventually. Variance can't be avoided. If it can't be avoided, I can only take care of the stuff I can control, such as playing my A game, working out, and maintaining a healthy mindset.

I used to have a habit of quitting when I'm up, but playing long sessions when I'm stuck to get even. I've now realized those tricks to fool myself into feeling good at the end of the day are extremely shortsighted and completely pointless. What I need to practice is to become numb towards short-term results and just grind. The only numbers I should worry about each session are how many hands I've put in. Hopefully I can maintain this mindset even after the downswing so that it isn't just a petty defensive mechanism during bad stretches.

Another way to deal with what happened is to blame the run bad on my clearing another bonus. I think the worst I've ever ran have always been when clearing bonuses on stars. So if I somehow avoid doing that I can win and still be results oriented.

Some results oriented pictures

Before downswing/downswing/altogether:

Stats during downswing where I think I've actually played my best poker:

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Need Paypal $
  zulu_nation8, Jun 01 2010

Hi I'm looking for $120 paypal for $130 PS. Thanks.

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stupid math question
  zulu_nation8, Apr 29 2010

Got a math question about bluffing frequency and combos. If say at a certain river spot villain has 16 combos of value hands and he bluffs 50% of the time with 16 combos of air hands we beat. Is his range then 16 combos of value hands + 8 combos of air? Is there any math to this or no?

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